- Daikin is Europe’s leading manufacturer of highly energy efficient heating, cooling, ventilation and refrigeration solutions for commercial, residential and industrial applications.
- Daikin products are renowned for energy efficiency and controllability, thanks to advanced inverter control, which reduces power consumption by up to 30% compared with non inverter units.
- Daikin is leading the way in optimising its products for seasonal efficiency, and has already redesigned its products to achieve compliance with the latest seasonal efficiency requirements, ahead of forthcoming legislation.
Heat pumps are around 300% efficient. This means that for every unit of energy used by the heat pump in operation, three or more units of heat are generated for use in a building.
As heat pumps work by extracting available heat from the outside air, they are far more efficient than even the most efficient fossil-fuel based heating systems. Heat pumps featuring Daikin’s inverter technology are particularly efficient for all kinds of indoor heating.
Using an integrated heat pump solution to both cool and heat a building can also mean a lower initial investment, as well as simpler operation and maintenance procedures.
Daikin has applied its heat pump expertise to create the Daikin Altherma range of domestic heating solutions. High temperature and low temperature options are available to suit all kinds of properties – new and old, large and small. Now Daikin Altherma Flex Type offers a unique new heat pump solution for apartment buildings and collective housing.

- With more than 600 models Airwell’s product portfolio is known as one of the widest in the market including all types of air conditioning equipment covering the demands of private households, large residential, commercial and industrial applications as well as of niche markets such as propeller fan chilled water units.
- The Airwell product range has been known for its high reliability, efficiency and quality standards and the company hasn’t stopped growing. In contrary to its competitors, Airwell has always focused on air conditioning products, which is certainly one of the reasons for the company’s world wide success.
Light commercial | Kauplustele |
Tööstusele | Ettevõtetele |
Airwell Residential is a part of an Airwell Group, which offers a complete range of residental air conditioners (RAC) and central air conditioning (CAC) systems intended for residental, commercial tertiary and industrial markets. Airwell Group products are marketed under several labels such as Airwell, Electra, Wesper.
The products sold under Airwell Residential brand name are mainly the CAC products, which are split up to be manufactured in each production site according to its domain of excellence.
To improve the quality of its products, to increase its production capacity with best productivity and to improve the lead time, the company is continuously investing in high-performance tools in each production site.
Air cooled condensing units
AQWC 1404…2406 – R410A
Aqu@Logic AQC 40…75 – R410A

Aqu@Logic AQVC 85…140 – R410A

CDN 205…905

VLC 504…1204 – R410A

Air cooled water chillers
AQCL 25…130

AQSL 2612…4212 – R134a
AQWL 1404…2406 – R410A
Aqu@Logic AQL 20…35 – R410A

Aqu@Logic AQL 40…75 – R410A
Aqu@Logic AQVL 85…140 – R410A

Aqu@Logic AQVSL STAR 85…160 – R410A
VLS 524…1204 – R410A

Air to water reversible heatpumps
AQCH 25…80

AQWH 1404…2406 – R410A
Aqu@Logic AQH 20…35 – R410A

Aqu@Logic AQH 40…75 – R410A
Aqu@Logic AQVH 85…140 – R410A

Aqu@Logic AQVSH STAR 85…160 – R410A

MQH 6…18 – R410A

VLH 524…1204 – R410A

Air to water reversible heatpumps
Aqu@Beam Chilled Beam
Aqu@Fan II Fan Coil Units

Chilled Water Cassette Units WKW 30 and 45

Chilled Water Cassette Units WKW 9LN, 12LN and 18LN

Chilled Water Wall Mounted Units WSW 18 & 18 IR

Chilled Water Wall Mounted Units WSW 7 BE

Chilled Water Wall Mounted Units WSW 7, 7 IR & 9, 9 IR

One way chilled water cassettes KCO LN 60 to 120

HAN 10 to 31 – R410A

RoofT@ir RTL/RTH 40 kuni 110 – R410A

RoofTech RTCL 100 to 160 / RTCH 100 to 220

Water cooled water chillers
Models CWP 02 to 35

SWS 1602 to 4802 – R134a

SWS 1602 kuni 4802 – R134a

Water source heat pumps
CW-AR 07 to 12
HRW 007 to 012

HRW 019 to 072

HRW 096 & 120

Water to water reversible heat pumps
CWP-HP 02 to 35